The Last Christmas “Gift” by PAUL CASTAIN on DECEMBER 22, 2010 Tucked away in a safe place within the walls of my heart, is a vision of my Father, Christmas Eve some 23 years ago. I can vividly see the look upon his face because it was a look that transcended all expression. It was […]
* The #1 Hiring Mistake In Sales…
Over the years, I’ve learned an extremely valuable lesson that has served me well in my recruiting efforts as a sales management professional. Specifically, as a sales leader, I’ve personally been part of the hiring process for over 200 sales and sales management professionals throughout my 22 year career. Therefore, I know about which I […]
What Would Batman Do?
Gotham City just had a major layoff. Batman is now unemployed and actively looking for his next gig. Superman and Spiderman got their pink slip a week earlier. Because Batman is an “out of the box” thinker he knows that he needs to try something different in order to find employment during these extraordinary times. […]
Get the Ball Rolling: 30 Open Ended Questions
Open-endedquestions are one of the most important tools for those who sell (as long asyou listen). They help you gather information,qualify sales opportunities, and establish rapport, trust and credibility. If you consideryourself a professional, own (absolutely know) a repertoire of powerfulopen-ended questions… questions that are answered by more than a simple yes orno… questions where […]
Acing the Job Interview
Acing The Job Interview! Our world has grown increasingly competitive. While our ultimate destination might be a new job our first challenge is becoming more memorable! Having interviewed over 1,000 professionals and spearheading the Sales DNA program at Consolidated Graphics, I have truly seen it all. I’ve also been the dude on the other side […]
Acing the Job Interview
Acing The Job Interview! Our world has grown increasingly competitive. While our ultimate destination might be a new job our first challenge is becoming more memorable! Having interviewed over 1,000 professionals and spearheading the Sales DNA program at Consolidated Graphics, I have truly seen it all. I’ve also been the dude on the other side […]
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